Looking for an Ambitious Machine Learning Engineer
Los Angeles, CA · Remote
Mid-level +1 · Full time
Posted 2 years ago
What makes this a great role?
It's an early-stage startup working on solving an ambitious problem, so that should be fun on its own. We're also very close to raising a series A revenues-wise and raised close to $1M seed after only a few days of sending our pitch around (over subscribing for a small bridge raise we had in mind).

Hey Everyone!

We're a young startup with real revenues (Yes, that's important in this economy) that recently just raised a seed round with a rockstar team of engineers and veterans on the operations side of things with previous exists.

We're looking for ML engineers to help us build a model that will help us automate a big part of the advertising space. It's an ambitious project, like a self-driving car of marketing, so please be the kind of person that feels like they can pull off solving challenging problems. It also touches on generative AI, so we will mainly use existing models from OpenAI.  

This is a remote job, you don't need to be in LA but it's a plus.

Here's the qualification we're looking for:

  • Experience working with DL, and XGBoost models.
  • Feature engineering, ability to craft creative features, cleaning up data, etc.
  • Ability to read research papers and replicate them with code.
  • Being able to experiment fast with various ideas.
  • Some understanding of advertising (a plus but not required). 

Send your resumes over but most importantly, either your Github, Kaggle, or any project examples.



Ratio can fully replace what a marketer does from ad and landing page creation to ad management. But works best when paired with a marketer.
Size:  1-10 employees
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